Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Journey of the Sun

As the Sun peeks lazily over the sand dunes,
The Bedouin packs his tent away and greets his ship.
For the pair, another long day of travel looms,
But destination beckons close and saves their sprits from a dip,
And the Sun just keeps rising.

As It reaches its full glory, blazing haughtily,
A deal is being made here and a government over there;
The air-conditioned city ignores It blissfully.
Progress, money, power and fame, oh, there is too much to care.
And then the Sun starts descending.

As the harmless orange ball in the sky ushers in the dusk,
The busy birds fly back to their nests, adding to the gloom of the day,
Successfully evading the poachers, the proud elephant retains its tusk,
The jungle shudders to think of the creatures that will soon start to bay.
All the while the Sun keeps moving.

As the tired Sun dips into the ocean,
The magical, star-lit sky makes an ostentatious display.
Nocturnal creatures slip out of their haven,
Carefully plotting the hunt, that will help them claim their prey.
And the wheel just keeps turning.

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